Clean desk, clean mind: How a tidy workspace improves productivity

A clean desk isn't just a matter of aesthetics, it's said that it can significantly impact productivity and overall work efficiency. But how true is this notion? Research by experts consistently highlights the connection between workspace organisation and enhanced output. When employees maintain tidy desks, the benefits extend beyond just cleanliness and actually contribute to better cognitive function and mental well-being.

Numerous studies support the notion that a clean and organised desk can lead to increased productivity. The Princeton University Neuroscience Institute conducted research suggesting that a cluttered environment can overload the visual cortex, leading to reduced cognitive processing and focus ("Interactions of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mechanisms in Human Visual Cortex," 2008). In contrast, an orderly desk minimises distractions and cognitive load, allowing workers to concentrate better on the tasks at hand.

It can also be said that a clean desk promotes a clear mental state. Dr. Sherrie Bourg Carter, a psychologist and author at Psychology Today, highlighted that physical clutter competes for attention, leading to stress and decreased performance. A clutter-free environment, on the other hand, fosters a sense of control and reduces anxiety, enabling individuals to approach tasks with a calmer and more focused mindset.

Here are some tips to keep a clean desk:

Regularly clear desk space

Set aside dedicated time to declutter your desk on a consistent basis. Clearing out unnecessary items not only frees up physical space but also creates mental clarity.

Resist desk clutter

Whenever something lands on your desk, take a moment to assess its relevance and either file it away, complete the task associated with it, or dispose of it appropriately. This will stop the mess accumulating.

Reduce paper use

Embrace digital solutions to minimise paper clutter. Utilise digital note-taking tools, file-sharing platforms, and e-documents to reduce the influx of physical paperwork. Not only does this contribute to a greener environment, but it also streamlines your organisation by eliminating stacks of paper that can easily become chaotic.


Make sure everything has its place. Establish a systematic approach to organising your desk and designate specific spots for commonly used items, such as pens, notepads, and office tools. By ensuring everything has a designated home, you can quickly locate what you need, reducing the time spent searching for things.

This notion does not only translate to individual workspaces, it goes for a whole working premises. This goes for considering potential customers and visitors. Customers have an expectation of how businesses should operate, cleanliness is a huge part of that.

Conversely, negative perceptions are longer lasting and can be hard to reverse. Think about a potential customer who is considering your products or services, they may reconsider if they visit your premises, and it is not being cared for adequately.

Consistency in maintaining a clean workspace is the cornerstone of reaping the full spectrum of benefits that an organised workspace offers. Just as a clean desk can enhance productivity, regular cleaning routines amplify these advantages. When cleanliness becomes a habitual practice, distractions are consistently minimised, allowing employees to focus their cognitive resources on their tasks.

How we can help

At Regimental Cleaning Services, we take pride in helping businesses thrive by providing high quality cleaning services. Get in touch today to find out more about our services, call 07983 109026 or email