DIY cleaning products you can find at home

There are certainly a multitude of ways to keep your home or building sparkling clean. One way is by making your own products from at-home ingredients.

We have compiled some eco-friendly and accessible cleaning products below:

White vinegar and lemon juice

Both white vinegar and lemon juice are natural acids that work wonders at removing buildup and dirt from wood surfaces. Vinegar is an all-around cleaning agent that can be used instead of bleach to clean tile grouting.

Vinegar is a versatile and potent cleaning agent due to its acidic properties that can effectively neutralise odors and disinfect surfaces. It can even replace bleach when cleaning tile grouting by soaking the grout and then scrubbing with a toothbrush. For glass cleaning, mix 59 ml (about 2 oz) of vinegar with 1 litre of water in a spray bottle. For cleaning floors, 4 litres of hot water with one litre of white distilled vinegar will do the trick and the vinegar smell will dissipate once the floor is damp-mopped.

Lemon and salt

This combination can be used to clean cutting boards, copper, and brass. Simply cut a lemon in half, sprinkle some salt on it, and rub it over the surface you want to clean. Rinse with water and dry with a cloth.

You can even make your own authentic “lemon-smelling” furniture polish by mixing equal parts of lemon juice and olive oil, pour a small amount of it on a clean cloth, and rub it into furniture.


Grapefruit is also a versatile fruit that doubles as an effective cleaner for your bath or shower. Half of a large grapefruit will allow you to clean your bath or shower from top to bottom. But for tougher stains, sprinkle each half with salt, scrub, and rinse.

Baking and washing soda

More of an obvious choice, but the versatility of baking soda as an all-purpose cleaner is impressive. It can be used to clean almost anything, from carpets and kitchen countertops to ovens, sinks, and microwaves, and it is safe for pets and children. For tougher stains, mix baking soda with coarse salt and liquid dish soap to make a paste.

Washing soda is another option for tough cleaning jobs, but it is more corrosive than baking soda and should be used with gloves. However, it is more effective than baking soda against greasy, waxy, or oily stains.

Remember! Always test a small, inconspicuous area first to make sure that the cleaning solution does not damage the surface you are cleaning.

How we can help

Reduce your concerns about property cleanliness with weekly, monthly, or seasonally scheduled services from professionals you can trust.

We offer tailored commercial and industrial cleaning packages and look to conduct our work with military precision and dedication to high standards. For more information on our services and how we can help spring clean your premises today, you can reach us by calling 07983 109026 or by sending an email to